by Cody Johnson | Aug 21, 2014 | Reviews
Last year I was fortunate to take a trip to Australia and New Zealand, and my very first stop was the Great Barrier Reef, where I took a snorkeling excursion. When planning the trip, I knew I would want a good quality underwater camera. The excursion actually had a professional photographer on it who sold pictures they shot for a very reasonable price, but hey, I’m a pro too – I want to do it myself! I started researching underwater digital cameras. This is the “tough” genre of point-and-shoo...
by Cody Johnson | May 15, 2014 | Reviews
I’ve fully embraced the world of iPhoneography, and I use my iPhone as my primary camera most of the time, even for photos that I know I plan to make prints of. It’s got pretty good resolution and a decent lens for perfectly acceptable print quality. I’m also a huge fan of all the accessories and apps that go along with iPhone photography, and my latest acquisition is the Sony QX100. Now, I’m able to get DSLR quality images from the convenience of my smartphone. I thought it would be a good id...
by Cody Johnson | May 13, 2014 | Reviews
Even though sales are down for point and shoot cameras (thank you smart phones) there are still several advantages of using a point and shoot over your iPhone's camera. I want to talk about the added flexibility that you have with most point and shoots that you may not have with your phone camera. So don't throw away these little gems yet. They still have some fight left in them. We love our little cameras. They fit in our purse, our backpack, or glove compartment. They are reasonably cheap an...
by Cody Johnson | Apr 8, 2014 | Reviews
What do you get when you mix up several heaps of “awesome” with a healthy dose of “mad skills” and several spoons full of “photo lovin’”? Well, if you mix it up just right then those are all qualities that our customers have. It’s no secret that we love our customers, but it makes our hearts sing when we get to hear back from them. We thought we would take a few minutes to share a few kind words that some of our customers have said about us. Not that we like tooting our own horn, but we do appre...
by Cody Johnson | Mar 20, 2014 | Reviews
I’m a recovering professional photographer. This means I no longer let people pay me for photography services, and I have the luxury of saying “No” when someone asks me to shoot a wedding or do something similar as a “favor.” I’m also learning to simplify when it comes to equipment. Gone are the back-breaking days of lugging several bodies, multiple lenses, accessories and tripods – I’m done with all that. I’ve got a variety of small, quick and easy cameras that still give me the control I crave...
by Cody Johnson | Mar 13, 2014 | Reviews
There are hundreds of companies out there making photo books, and you can spend hours, days, or even weeks designing one – trying to ensure that its “just right” and unless you’re a professional graphic designers, it’s probably mediocre work at best, am I right? It’s unusual to find a photo book company that is doing something a little different, but when I stumbled across the Mosaic app I was intrigued by what they offered. Here is my Mosaic Photo Album review. First off, it’s simple. You pi...
by Cody Johnson | Feb 19, 2014 | Reviews
I know I’m not alone in the world in that I carry around boxes of old negatives from the time before digital. I started shooting with a DSLR in 2005, after graduating college with a degree in photography. So as you can imagine, I have a TON of negatives, and of some pretty good work! I was so excited to come across a Lomography product from the good people at Photojojo, the Smartphone Film Scanner. Being an Instagram nut, I love the idea of being able to go straight from negative to iPhone. Pr...
by Cody Johnson | Oct 30, 2013 | Reviews
Halloween is tomorrow. One of our favorite times of year here at Canvas Press! If you are going to a Halloween Party, Caroline has the perfect idea on how to create a photo booth with nothing but your iPhone. Take it away Caroline! I’ve been planning a Halloween party and since Photo Booths are all the rage now we wanted to set one up. However, I was not inclined to create the whole setup with my professional gear, especially since I’ve personally never DONE a photo booth before. I thought, “Su...
by Cody Johnson | Aug 8, 2013 | Reviews
I am a little obsessed about the VSCO camera app right now. Let me ask you love the look of film? Do you want a little more control over your photos than just applying a single filter (Instagram, I still love you too). Ok, so even if you answered yes to one of those questions then you need to go download the VSCO camera app. Officially names VSCO cam. It is a free app and comes with some basic film presets. Here are some highlights of the app that I have been loving for a few months n...
by Cody Johnson | Jul 8, 2013 | Reviews
Canon is proclaiming that their new 70D will revolutionize photo and video focusing. If you have a DSLR that can shoot both photo and video you know how frustrating it is to rely on auto focus mode and how tricky it is to focus in manual mode...especially on moving targets. Well Canon's 70D has a boosted sensor pixel count to help track both still and moving objects. This can keep focus from jumping from subject to subject. You can change focusing just by tapping on the screen from one subj...