Whether you’re trying to motivate employees and create a fun atmosphere for work, or you’re trying to impress clients who stop by, there’s nothing like a statement wall to set the stage for the work environment you’re after. And while there are many ways to create that statement, using a business wall art design is one way to make instant impact.
Business wall art designs can be customized to incorporate your company’s values, brand, imagery, or just the types of things that you and your team are passionate about. These 17 corporate office wall mural ideas will help inspire you to find the perfect imagery for your office walls.
1. Digital Design
Photography: Alexey Zarodov
BPC Baking Technologies in Utrecht has created a unique and captivating business wall art design for their offices. Mixing digital imagery with nature, they’ve found a way to make a wall statement that can be viewed and interpreted in several ways. Glanced at quickly, the wall is a powerful image of ocean waves, but viewed again, it becomes a circuit board of connections to inspire.
2. Cartoon Fun
Photography: Acapulco Studio
The Poland office of Facebook has a fun cartoon to greet guests and employees on its walls. With a lot of different imagery layered into one mural, this business wall art design allows you to discover something new each time you view it, creating a more interactive experience than a simple, static wall image will bring. By keeping the colors simple, the chaotic imagery doesn’t overwhelm the eye.
3. Multi-Dimensional Color

A common misconception is that murals for office walls need to recreate some type of image. But that isn’t always necessary to create an inspiring office façade. This Swedish office uses blocks of color that vary in depth when pieced together on the wall. The result has a lot of dimension and power, sure to inspire and get the creativity flowing throughout the space.
4. Typography
Photography: David Rafachinho
Corporate office wall murals also don’t need to include a picture in order to embrace your company’s brand or goals; sometimes words can do the job just as well. This office wall uses a collection of fonts and typography faces to highlight the goals and ideals that they deem most important. The result is just as powerful as a single image, and can help keep certain ideals in focus as well.
5. Photography Collection
Photography: Twenty20
The Los Angeles office of Twenty20 boasts a unique corporate office wall mural that’s full of imagery and color. Rather than a painting, cartoon, or sticker, however, this mural is made up of a variety of photographs that have been arranged together with negative space between them. The different shapes of each photograph helps to frame them out so that only the action is left, while at the same time, keeps the entire image fresh from one end to the next.
6. Ultimate Branding
Photography: Coca-cola head office in Beograd
When your company’s brand is instantly recognizable, why not go ahead and splash it across not only the walls, but the furnishings as well? At Coca Cola’s main office, the walls – and everything against them – boasts a large mural that consists solely of Coke’s label and brand. You’ll never wonder what office you’re in with this type of décor around.
7. Larger than Life
Photography: cdn.freshome.com
There’s something about putting an image that transcends normal dimensions onto the wall of a room or building. These larger than life musicians create a powerful image that energizes the entire room. The sparse colors and bold black lines of the mural help to energize the space even further, making you want your ideas to match.
8. Detailed Cityscape
Photography: Abi Daker
You won’t wonder what city you’re in when you pay a visit to this branch of the Bank of China. A beautifully rendered drawing of the city and its iconic imagery splashes across not only the walls, but the front of the reception desk as well, creating a soothing and innovative look into the building’s surroundings.
9. Wrapping the Corner
Photography: James Newman
Murals for office walls don’t need to be confined to a single space or room. This playful and colorful design invites you to keep moving along the halls of this office by wrapping the corner of one wall before stopping. This tantalizing peak of what’s just around the corner is a great way to keep people intrigued and moving forward.
10. Promote Yourself
Photography: Tad Carpenter
If your office sees a lot of clientele and guests, consider creating a mural that plays with the imagery of what you do there. This mural from Yeah! Burger features not only colorful and playful designs, but also showcases the menu items that you can find at the location. This design can work for many different companies, particularly those that produce items that can be rendered in art.
11. Dark and Dynamic
Photography: Mark Smith
Many people think that to be inspiring, a mural needs to be bright and bold, regardless of its content. This image proves differently, however, by using a black backdrop to some more colorful line drawings. The image is just as powerful, but also creates a more subtle look for the room, rather than taking center stage of the interior design.
12. Mural in the Round
Photography: Epic Coffee
Another way to create an image that really breaks and the mold and stands out from the norm is to use only a section of your wall, rather than its entirety. This circular image showcases the lifecycle of coffee, but a circular image of any kind placed strategically on a wall will create an illusion that you’re being offered a peek inside the inner workings of the office, rather than simply viewing the art.
13. Ideal Imagery
Photography: Frost*Collective
This fun and colorful office mural takes a number of images from the ideal summer of the region its located in, combining them into one dynamic picture. The same office wall mural idea can be used successfully by a variety of companies; simply choose a broad theme and pull different icons and imagery that represent it to you to feature on the wall.
14. Inset Mural Designs

Another way to add a lot of dimension to your office walls, but without completely covering them with imagery, is to select several large panels to showcase at intervals instead. These colorful panels are surrounded by plain black walls, to make them pop even more. Choose images that inspire your workforce, and light them up to call additional attention to them.
15. Subtle Rainbow

Using color sparingly makes what shades are there stand out more. This long wall mural creates a subtle rainbow by splashing colors at intervals across a black and white design. Because the colors aren’t used everywhere, the entire design is much more powerful than it would be otherwise.
16. Going Places
Photography: Thomas Dartigues
Imagery of movement or travel can be very inspiring to the viewer. This black and white mural uses a lot of designs that indicate motion, including planes and roadways, which in turn can be extremely motivating. A similar layout could be an excellent image to display in work spaces.
17. Single Statement
Photography: Ricardo Gonzalez
Does your office or business have a tagline or pitch? Consider emblazoning it on the walls to keep it right in the front of everyone’s mind. This powerful mural consists solely of a single phrase, but the color, size, and placement give it a lot of punch to the viewer.
Update Your Office
Using a wall mural is a fantastic way to add color, interest, and life to your office design. Use these 17 ideas to get inspired and create your own
custom wall paper mural with Canvas Press.