Friday Wrap Up - November 1st
by Cody Johnson | Nov 1, 2013 | News
Hope everyone had a great Halloween night. We are now into November and I am sure Christmas will be here before we know it. Oh, and don't forget to turn those clocks back on Saturday night before you go to sleep. We get that extra hour of sleep that night...WooHoo!
Speaking of Christmas (smooth segue) we are in the midst of a 48 hour 30% off sale. So if you want to get some early Christmas gifts for the favorite people in your life then get started with your canvas creation. Be sure to use the promo code: 48HR30 to get the 30% off your entire order. This sale applies for anything at Canvas Press and will end at midnight on Saturday 11/2 (PST).
If you missed Caroline's post about how to set up a photo booth with nothing but your iPhone or iPad not a problem. You can download the app she spoke of here. The app is called Pocketbooth. You can set it up at a party or just for a few fun selfies. The app will take 4 different photos and display them in a photo strip format. You can then save them or even hook up a wireless printer and print them on the spot (printer sold separately). Very fun idea for a party. On sale right now for 99 cents (normally $2.99).
Adobe is always coming out with amazing software and apps. One of the newest free apps you can download on your iPhone, iPad and Android tablets is called Adobe Ideas. It is a drawing/sketching app...big deal right? Well the files it outputs are vectorized. What does that mean? That means whatever you create in the app you can enlarge to pretty much any size you want. Great for digital artists and even your kids. They can create a masterpiece and you can save it and enlarge it to print on canvas or photo paper for their bedroom or even your living room ;-D. For a free app that is pretty cool. You can learn more about Adobe Ideas here.