- A large canvas, at least two feet by two feet. Thick canvas works best for this project; you can purchase the material by the foot at craft stores, or online at art supply shops like Utrecht Art Supplies. You can also use the canvas side of a drop cloth purchased at a hardware store.
- Various colors of paint (preferably acrylic, though tempera will also work) poured out onto plastic plates or disposable containers
- Permanent markers
- Textured play balls in assorted sizes
- “Flair” such as glitter and pom-poms, and appropriate adhesives

Photo courtesy Ruth Poole on Pinterest. How to Create a Canvas Masterpiece 1. Kids love color, and this easy to clean up project gives them a great opportunity to experiment. Before setting up outside, let the kids pick several colors of paint to work with. Acrylic sticks best to canvas materials and is more permanent, but tempera will also adhere to most canvases. Since the artists in residence will likely use a large amount of paint, tempera may also be more cost effective. 2. Once your paint colors are picked out, you can pick out the textured play balls for the kids to use as “paintbrushes.” While ordinary balls will work, textured balls such as spiky play balls, bubble balls, and basketballs will add depth and have the kids laughing at the interesting patterns they create when thrown against the canvas.

Photo courtesy: imgfave.com 5. When the canvas is complete, have the kids “sign” it by dipping their hands in paint and pressing handprints onto the artwork. 6. Depending on the humidity and amount of paint used, the artwork will take anywhere from a few hours to a day to dry. When it is dry, you can stretch it over a frame for a gallery canvas look. 7. Hang your children’s masterpiece in the craft room or other kid-friendly area of the home! You could create some pretty cool modern art for your whole house with this technique. Have fun!