If you have a young one in your life who loves to draw, paint, doodle day dream, or build then here are 10 excellent stocking stuffers that will encourage their creativity.
1. Modern Colored Pencils - $7.99 at
Target - This modern colored pencil set will have your little artist drawing in style.

2. Rubber Band bracelet loom - $12.99 at
ToysRUs - The rubber band bracelet craze is an excellent creative release. And with the hundreds of designs and color combinations your artist will be able to create something new each and every time.

3. Cubebot wooden robot - $15.00 at
MOMA Store - The Cubebot is just plain fun. Who doesn't want a wooden robot. This can also double or even replace the normal wooden posing model you see at art stores. There are so many possibilities for creative play and artistic inspiration from the Cubebot.

4. iPhone Photojojo lens series - $49.00 at
Photojojo - For the budding photographer in the family. The Photojojo iPhone lens series is an easy way for them to experiment with different lens types before you trust them with their own camera. I would suggest the fisheye lens...the extreme wide angle is fun for silly portraits.

5. Washi Tape - $24.00 (set of 6) at
MOMO Store - Washi tape is a decorative masking tape that your artist can use in any number of creative ways. From decorating school supplies to creating a one of a kind art piece on a canvas, washi tape is a fun and easy tool for any artist to let loose their creativity.

6. Crayon Rocks - $9.25 at
Amazon.com - Artists are always a little different. They all have their own style and personality. So why settle for normal crayons when they can use these unique crayon rocks. They come with a nice bag that adds more mystery and cool factor.

7. Drawing for the Artistically Undiscovered - $18 at
Amazon.com - A fantastic book for the artist of any age.

8. Puffy Paint (for creative uses on all kinds of fabric and other materials) - $9.99 at
Amazon.com - Puffy paint has so many creative and artistic uses that you probably did not know about. From jewelry making to window clings. Check out this article for
12 cool uses for puffy paint.

9. Travel Drawing Pad (Hand Book Co. Sketchbook Square) - $15.99 at
Two Hands Paperie - Every artist needs something they can take with them on their travels. You never know when inspiration will strike. This 5"x5" sketch pad will withstand markers, pencils, and even light watercolor. Plus the small size is perfect for small hands. Perfect for your artists travel bag.

10. Basic Lego Brick set - $29.99 at
Lego.com - Classic. Legos are literally creative building blocks. There may not be a more endless creative toy than legos. Hours can be spent creating out of pure imagination...and imagination is what feeds the artist in all of us.